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Gold! Gold! Buy gold! 收购黄金!欢迎全球黄金矿主,回收商,个人或机构联系,您的黄金我们都可以全部收购!
发布时间:2018-08-05   浏览:541  




         2016年,公司一次性通过ISO9001(质量管理体系)、ISO14001(环境管理体系认证)、OHSAS18001(职业健康安全管理体系)三大国际权威标准认证;目前为中国黄金协会会员、上海黄金交易所综合类会员、LBMA伦敦金银市场协会(The London bullion market association)精炼商、中国人民银行指定金银精炼企业。   黄金回收不同于一般物品回收,无论是重量的称量、成色的确定或价格确定,都形成一个独特的回收体系。因为黄金回收后是再次利用,也称回收黄金是不论品牌的,回收主要的价格因素是由含金量和国际基础交易价格决定的。  





有诚意者注明真实姓名,单位,事由,添加微信 WG19789568。联系人胡秘。未注明上述信息者不予通过.



                                                                             Gold! Gold! Buy gold!

Welcome all the world's gold mine owners, gold recyclers, individuals or organizations to contact us. We can buy all of your gold, as long as your bulk gold shipped to Hong Kong, not high purity does not matter, we have a wide range of refinement! We can buy all the cash in Hongkong! To ensure your interests! Come on. The owner of the gold of the world! Founded in 2015, Shenzhen Limited by Share Ltd, with its headquarters in Shenzhen, is a joint investment of five gold jewellery and financial investment enterprises, with a registered capital of 50 million yuan. Under the banner, it owns the Qian Kun gold and silver industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., the golden silver Creative Workshop (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., and the gold and silver blob of Qian Kun. Material Museum (Shenzhen) Limited, Qian Kun gold and silver precious metal inspection and monitoring center (Shenzhen) Limited company, Qian Kun gold and silver science and technology innovation (Shenzhen) Limited company, Qian Kun Jin Yin national handicraft (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and so on, is a collection of gold and silver refining and testing, precious metal processing and repurchase, precious metal investment And the six major business segments of Wen Bo Wen and so on are large integrated precious metal enterprises. In 2016, the company was certified by three major international standards of ISO9001 (quality management system), ISO14001 (environmental management system certification) and OHSAS18001 (occupational health and safety management system). Currently, it is a member of the China Gold Association, a comprehensive member of the Shanghai gold exchange, and the LBMA London gold and silver Market Association (The Lond). On Bullion Market Association) refiners and people's Bank of China specify gold and silver refining enterprises. Gold recovery is different from the general recovery of goods, whether it is weight weighing, color or price determination, have formed a unique recovery system. Since gold recycling is reused, it is also known that the recovery of gold is no matter the brand, the main price factor for recovery is determined by the amount of gold and the price of the international base transaction. You do not easily believe in those small stores, you must believe in a large precious metal company! Gold price has international gold price, there is an international measure of leverage, not a certain country is not a brand to make. Therefore, the price of gold is basically uniform in all parts of the world. Welcome all the world's gold mine owners, gold recyclers, individuals or organizations to contact us. We can buy all of your gold, as long as your bulk gold shipped to Hong Kong, not high purity does not matter, we have a refinery! We can buy all the cash in Hongkong! To ensure your interests! Come on. The owner of the gold of the world!

有诚意者注明真实姓名,单位,事由,添加微信 WG19789568。联系人胡秘。未注明上述信息者不予通过.


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 一带一路国际合作联盟 机构成员目录

瑞典-中国技术转移中心; 新西兰-中国自贸协会;西班牙阿拉贡对外发展局; 阿根廷拉里奥哈省政府驻深圳代表处 ; 意大利-中国贸易发展促进会;冈比亚伊斯兰共和国驻中国商务代表处; 俄罗斯南部联邦经济促进会;瑞中企业家协会; 电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)深圳办公室; 比利时-卢森堡-非洲-加勒比海-太平洋国家商会; 瑞士瑞中投资促进协会;巴中协会深圳代表处;爱尔兰投资发展局;日本商工会;法国驻广州总领事馆商务处深圳联络处;布鲁塞尔外国投资与贸易促进局;中国哥伦比亚商会;巴中工商总会;法国罗纳-阿尔卑斯大区企业国际发展协会; 韩中经济贸易促进协会深圳代表处;法国工商总会;丹麦哥本哈根投资促进局;德国商会; 以色列驻华贸易代表处深圳联络处;欧盟商会;香港应用科技研究院;韩国商工会;加拿大高新技术产业协会;俄罗斯萨玛拉州工商会中国代表处;卢旺达投资与出口促进局中国代表处;匈牙利创新与技术中心;加拿大大西洋商会;中埃南方商务理事会;法国维埃纳省中国办事处;新加坡科技企业家俱乐部;以色列-中国技术转移中心;保加利亚普罗夫迪夫市驻深圳代表处;保加利亚中国商会;芬兰诺鼎联盟;芬兰政府投资促进署;芬兰圣纳约基市投资促进署 ;芬兰 VIEXPO 出口促进会 ;芬兰圣纳约基应用科技大学 ;芬兰商会劳马地区分会;芬兰商会西海岸分会 ;芬兰圣纳约基科技园 ;新西兰商业联合会;德中经贸合作总会;法国-深圳投资促进会;巴西工商总会;泰国国际商会;马来西亚雪兰莪皇室;泰国国际认证孵化中心;马来西亚一带一路总商会;新西兰商业联合协会;美国CEO俱乐部深圳代表处;中巴联合软件发展协会;中以高科技合作促进中心;中阿经济文化联合会;缅甸中央合作社;匈牙利创新与技术中心;泰王国驻广州领事馆;中国伊朗创新中心;马来西亚中国国际智库;东北亚国际商会联盟;中国国际贸促委深圳委员会;中国科学院云计算中心;深圳市质检会、粤港澳大湾区质量认证促进国际贸易专委会(排名不分先后)   


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